Safe Driving Techniques Training

Safe Driving Techniques Training; is designed to teach safe driving techniques in traffic, to ensure the detection of potential risks, to introduce the measures to be taken against such risks and hence to ensure visionary driving. In this training, drivers learn to drive more safely in any weather condition and road condition, control the road by advanced driving techniques, foresee potential accidents, identify and implement the measures to be taken in such cases. In the theoretical and practical trainings, the practical part is provided on the tracks specially designed for safe driving training in accordance with the standards.

  • Knowledge to ensure recognition of potential risks in traffic and measures to be taken against such risks
  • Knowledge and skills to mitigate and eliminate potential losses of life and property
  • Knowledge of potential consequences of hazards and safety culture
  • Knowledge of ensuring the safety of both driver and other elements in traffic
  • Introduction of practical safe driving techniques within special training areas closed to traffic on correct sitting position, braking techniques, steering wheel gripping, correct cornering, etc. in order to prevent accidents
  • 1 day
  • All the employees driving within the scope of work

Eğitimlerimiz teknik eğitim sınıflarımızda veya kuruluşunuza özel olarak planlanmaktadır. Genel katılıma açık eğitimlerimiz için eğitim takvimimizi inceleyebilirsiniz.

Eğitim sonunda katılımcılara, uluslararası geçerliliğe sahip sertifika verilmektedir.